In pondering the great and ageless gift of the baby Jesus coming into this world’s life, we are struck once again with that message of the power of innocence. Dark doubts and the roar of brazen evil assail us on every side. Yet, despite their attempts at blinding camouflage, true power is not in such winds. The small voice, the little child – there is the secret for our finding, for our belief and salvation. In His open hands and loving care is the one source deep enough to carry us through the terrible and the just plain sad. Can we believe and follow? Can we trust that He knows at every moment precisely the path we need? More, can we believe that He offers paths to the whole human race, all aimed at heaven forever? Can we, each and every one, respond to His knock and open the door to His wide horizon? How? In Christina Rossetti’s words,
What can I give Him,
Poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd
I would bring a lamb.
If I were a Wise Man
I would do my part.
Yet what can I give Him:
Give my heart.